Are You Taking Care of Your Mental Health?

When I first became a psychotherapist over 20 years ago, I was scared and excited all at the same time.  I had gained a lifetime of experience growing up in my family and now I had the skills to help others.  The first place I worked at was a nonprofit that saw CPS (Children’s Protective […]

Know What to Master as an Entrepreneurial Leader

The biggest glitch that comes up for business owners regarding their leadership is how late into their business building timeline they start thinking about their own ways of leading. Yet, you’ve been leading from the start and most likely more from a reactive position. So much is going on that we don’t think at the […]

7 Ways Leaders Build Great Sustainable Relationships

We’ve lost our ability to build great, sustainable relationships.  It’s a mantra in business to hear that if you want to get ahead build relationships. Yet, we’re losing that ability. There are key areas you will want to pay attention to that helps you become a relationship builder. The first way is to be present. […]

Leadership is Not Linear

Everyday you make decisions about your business without thinking about how it might affect you down the road from the perspective of your  leadership. Today, those decisions carry so much more weight and your leadership style is key in this ever-accelerating changing world. Everyone has a leadership style. It either works for you or against […]

Your Voice Communicates Your Leadership

It doesn’t matter if you are a business owner, work in a corporate, or in a nonprofit, finding your Leadership Voice is crucial. Most of the time, experts talk about the skill set you need to be a leader but neglect to mention that when those skill sets don’t work, where does that leave you? […]

Did You Know 60% of Your Clients Have Experienced This?

Entrepreneurship is the best personal development program any business owner will go through. It will make you uncomfortable. You will feel like pulling your hair out and you will be over the moon with your wins. It doesn’t matter where you do business, 60% of your clients have suffered from some traumatic event in their […]

What Business Problems Really Disguise

Most business owners and businesses look at problems from a logistical perspective to be solved. They may hire a consultant, assign someone to head a committee, or join a high-end mastermind to correct the problem they’re facing. The issue that shows up over 90% of the time is the business problem is actually a disguise […]

Money Freedom Happens in Your Pricing

Having clients pay you premium prices is what most service-based businesses want. They sell their services based on the results and value they provide. There are many business owners who do great work but they are not being paid on their value. Why? The business owner is not able to tap into the psychology of […]

How Clients Choose You

What must your business be for clients to choose you? The very first answer is they need to know you exist. There’s a ton of debate, ways, and means to show people you’re in business. Networking, social media, writing, videos, etc… Choose the best one for you but choose it from the perspective that it […]

When I Get the Money I’ll Hire You!

“When I get the money I’ll hire you!” Famous last words, right? No business owner wants to hear that especially since you’ve recognized that this is a right fit client for you and you know how you can help them. It’s a common phrase from potential clients who want to work with you but have […]