
Certifications are unique ways to up level your skills, up level your own personal growth and deliver a more superior service to your own clients and community.

Certifications are different from regular group programs in ways that enhance the learning experience and continue that learning experience to a deeper level.


In a certification, you need…

…the freedom to learn where and when you want to.

…to learn from a specific subject expert.

…where the reality of what you are learning applies to the present moment.

…a defined subject expert knows how to give you what you need when you need it.

…real transformation.  It gives you true transformation that you need and the lives of those you serve.

…it’s knowledge.  It’s specific.  It’s relevant.

…it provides purpose, massive value and mastery.

I’m LoriAnne Reeves and I’ve been serving clients for over 25 years.  In some shape and form, I’ve been in the work of human potential, growth and transformation in the areas of psychology, neuroscience tools, money, sales and relationships. 


I’ve taken these areas into a framework that gives clients the knowledge, deep work, transformation for themselves and with those they serve.  My full story can be found on my About Page.

Freedom to Lasting Income  Income  Certification

Create Financial Freedom for Yourself & Your Clients and Become the Go To Person to Affect Change Easier, Quicker and Have Lasting Impact & Income for Yourself and the Lives of Those You Serve.

The Basics

It’s 6 months long.

It’s online with two in person events in Houston.

Like all good certifications it has an educational component, transformational pieces and how to implement it in practical ways when you deliver it.

It’s a certification that is customized and a full immersion experience that allows for easier, quicker and lasting results.

This is for coaches, consultants who want a program that supports their current offers.

It’s for other businesses owners where this is a complement to your current business even if you are not a coach.

It’s great for those of you who are in the financial services.

It’s great for those of you in the nonprofit sector.

It’s great for those of you who are in organizations and this topic would be a perfect asset for your community.

It’s great for those of you who volunteer in an organization where this topic would be your give back.

It’s great for those of you who work with women’s groups.

Create Financial Freedom for Yourself & Your Clients and Become the Go To Person to Affect Change Easier, Quicker and Lasting Impact & Income for Yourself and the Lives of Those You Serve.

If you’re still reading this…

It’s an incredibly great opportunity…

Since the beginning of my business, I’ve worked with clients in a 1:1 setting, VIP Days and Business & Leadership Masterminds spending most of my time there but also investing into one of the biggest obstacles out there that business owners struggle with daily - money and change.

  • The number of clients you have affects your money.
  • The number of leads you have affects your money.
  • The impact you want to have is affected by your money.
  • The investments you want to make for your business are affected by your money.
  • The investments you want to make for yourself are affected by your money.
  • The investments you want to make for your family are affected by your money.

Guess what? No matter what business you have all your clients are experiencing these same things if not more.

For 25 years, I have had a first row seat to the extreme difficulty for humans to change and transform the circumstances they find themselves in. It hasn’t mattered where it was - as a Sales Person, a Professional Psychotherapist or my current business of helping my clients to grow professionally and personally in the areas of money, sales and relationships.

Change is hard!

That’s why my Mission, my Why, my Purpose is to make transformation easier, better, quicker and lasting for people.

Here’s what’s in it for you: I’m going to spend 6 months with you helping you to get to the root cause of why you are not at the income level you want and transform it into the financial freedom you desire.  Then I’m going to teach you how you can do the same for your own clients so you can be the go to resource and add this to your business or share with your community.

That means…

  • An upfront deep dive strategy call to understand how it makes sense for you.
  • Two monthly calls with me where I will teach, demonstrate and take you through the immersive exercises for yourself that are the key to this transformation.  It’s like an archeological dig.
  • An open monthly Q + A session with demonstrations.
  • Two in person retreats where I will take you through game changing, immersive, experiential experiences that are the framework for transformational change in your income and for your clients for lasting freedom.  

Our next cohort begins in November 2023.

I’d love to have a conversation with you.

LoriAnne Reeves