Relationship Intelligence

The quality of your relationships determines the quality of your life.

2387081343I have to admit…

When I first started as a therapist 25 years ago, I felt inadequate when I had couples in the room.

At first, I thought it was me. But, after talking to more and more therapists, I discovered that many of them felt the same way.

It was simple: Our traditional training didn’t prepare us to work with couples in the modern world.

So, I had to learn in the field. I saw so many different kinds of couples – different kinds of relationships and different kinds of challenges.

And with each couple I saw, I developed a new way of working with them that gave them the results they were looking for.

All the success stories had one thing in common…

They improved their “relationship intelligence.”

If you think about it, no one teaches us how to be in an intimate relationship or even with ourselves – or how to make it extraordinary. Yet, that’s often the expectation we place on our partners and ourselves.

You need to know how to make relationships work: the big problems, the nuances around them, and the unhealthy cycles you’ll get into if you don’t have the right skills.

Those skills (or lack thereof) make a difference… every day.

Relationship intelligence plays out in all your relationships: spouses, family, friends, colleagues, bosses, money, career, or business partners.

You’ll do better in all these areas if you boost your relationship intelligence. It’s a simple concept, but most people don’t realize how improving their relationship skills will improve the quality of life across the board.

But even with high relationship intelligence, certain patterns can hold you back.

2466734661Caution ahead!


This is a particular issue when you’re an entrepreneur or business owner because your and your partner’s livelihood is at stake. Running the business, hiring, and firing, struggling through income cycles… your relationship has special needs.

I’ve been an entrepreneur and business coach for over 25 years, so I can show you the pitfalls and arm you with the tools you’ll need to make your relationship thrive.


They’re everything… and can pull your relationship asunder if you can’t control them. And if your relationship or business is suffering, you know how hard that can be.

A key component of relationship intelligence is emotional intelligence and regulation of those emotions.

I’ll teach you how to stop blaming or trying to change each other in the face of stress.


I’m not talking about the problems of not having enough of it. I’m talking about what happens when emotions – not facts – govern your relationship with money. This happens to many of us because our ideas about making and managing money come from what we experienced growing up with family.

Add owning a business, and your relationship with money gets more complicated.

Let me give you tips and tools to make sure money enhances – not complicates – your relationship.


One of the most challenging aspects for a couple is when one or both partners have experienced trauma. It can cause all sorts of problems in the relationship because ordinary day-to-day dynamics and interactions trigger past wounds.

I have extensive experience working with trauma victims. I’ll show you how to circumvent the problems it causes for healthy boundaries and communication.

It’s time to act!

Learn how to identify the root causes of your relationship issues…

Understand family and relationship patterns…

Rewire your brain to eliminate self-doubt…

Improve your relationship intelligence: live better, love better, and leave that legacy to your children!

I can’t wait to meet you and get started! Reach out today for your complimentary consultation.